The flash starts program is offered to local school students as an introduction into the metal fabrication industry and provides career pathway opportunities. The program will continue in Term 4, 2022 and the winning student from all schools will win a welding kit and a work experience opportunity with Belmore Engineering. The program is supported by Ryan Hanrahan from the Regional Industry Education Partnerships (RIEP). Flash starts has been developed as an infrastructure skills legacy program and will hopefully continue from year to year with the support of Training Services NSW.

Session 2 on Friday 28 October 2022, saw ten students from O'Connor Catholic College, Armidale visit our workshop to complete the next session of our Flash Starts program. There were a few very keen ladies in this group which was great to see, with most participants not having any prior welding experience, and they all did fantastic! The Belmore team leaders were Jared Hamilton, Daniel Whitbread & Phillip Pearce, with Peter Bell judging and Annabelle Hugo assisting students with the fire pit projects.

Session 3 on Friday 4 November 2022, saw nine students from Qurindi High School's TAS class, visit our workshop for a tour and presentation. The students then moved into small groups and were assisted by Jared Hamilton, Daniel Whitbread, Philip Pearce from Belmore Engineering who guided them through a small fire pit project. The students welcomed the opportunity to further their existing knowledge in metal fabrication and allowed them to apply their skills to a live workshop environment.

Session 1 on Friday 16 September 2022, saw ten students from McCarthy Catholic College visit our workshop for a tour and presentation covering the who, what and why about Belmore Engineering. The students then moved into small groups and were assisted by Jared Hamilton, Daniel Whitbread, Philip Pearce and Peter Bell from Belmore Engineering who guided them through a small fire pit project.

Session 4 on Friday 11 November 2022, we had four more students from Qurindi High School and one student from Peel High School, visit our workshop for the tour and presentation, and to participate in the fire pit project.

We held Session 5 on Friday 18 November 2022, with all students keen and highly motivated to learn. All students had metal and welding experience from school but commented on how enjoyable it was to learn in a real-life working environment. Staff assisting were Jared Hamilton, Philip Pearce, Ethan Kelly and Peter Bell.

We held Session 6 on Friday 25 November 2022, with nine students, all students keen to learn about the fabrication industry. They were split into small groups, assisted by Jared Hamilton, Daniel Whitbread, Philip Pearce and Ethan Kelly from Belmore Engineering who guided them through the fire pit project.

We held the last session for 2022, Session 7 on Friday 9 December 2022, with 3 students from Peel High School & 4 students from Tamworth High School. They were assisted by Jared Hamilton, Daniel Whitbread, Philip Pearce and Ethan Kelly from Belmore Engineering who guided them through the fire pit project. Thank you to everyone who has participated and contributed to making this Flash Starts Program a success.